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A Special Message from GBCA

A Special Message from GBCA

Last night in a moment of great inspiration, the ministerial community led by Rev. Ron Owens and Representative Elijah Cummings took to the streets praying and singing right into the heat of North Avenue then on to New Shiloh Baptist Church on North Monroe Street. What a powerful combination! The moment was a reminder of the connection between our souls and our bodies--the literal instruments of our humanity. I was reminded of UMBC president, Dr. Freeman Hrabowski as he recounted his experience as a jailed and frightened 12-year-old boy in the Children’s Crusade in Birmingham, Alabama. As he told his story to the audience at Maryland Arts Day, he lifted his voice and you could understand how the music comforted and gave hope to him, his friends and his parents at that dark moment.

Right now, we all need to sing for Baltimore.

In this special newsletter, we are focusing on events, schedule changes, resources available to the community, and links to ways you can raise your voice, take action and help.

From the chorus,
Jeannie Howe
Executive Director, GBCA

P.S. GBCA will continue to provide updates on our Facebook and Twitter. Please contact us at if you have information to share.

*Click here for inportant information on the curfew currently in affect

Community Resources:

  • Baltimore City Recreation & Parks recreation centers will OPEN early today, April 28 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. for students and youth, as Baltimore City Public Schools will be closed. BCRP remains committed to offering quality programming and a safe space for our children and the residents of Baltimore City. Click here to find the closest recreation center in your area.
  • BCPS students can go to Mount Pleasant Hope Baptist Church, 430 E Belvedere Avenue. Contact Lunch served at noon. Grief counselors available. Call: 410-433-8854.
  • Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse is OPEN and providing a safe space and FREE lunch to Baltimore City students starting at 11:00AM today - please share!
  • #BaltimoreUprising offers a comprehensive list of protests, food for students, safe harbor churches and more.

Special Events:

  • Due to public school closures, The Contemporary is organizing activities and meals at Area 405, located at 405 E. Oliver St, in concert with the Baltimore Design School for local youth. They will provide art supplies, screen movies, and orchestrate outdoor activities such as gardening and games. They will be starting at 11am and go till 5pm (or later if needed). There will be snacks and meals provided all day.
  • Black Cherry Puppet Theater in Southwest Baltimore (by Hollins Market) will hold a free puppet show in the garden at 2:00pm. Call Pat Cruz at 443-801-3631for details or just come over to help us set up the theatre! Spread the word that this is a free and safe activity for students out of school and parents looking to keep their kids busy.
  • Bach in Baltimore is presenting an 'In Memoriam' concert on Sunday at 4 PM of the Brahms Requiem. At that concert they plan to make a plea for peace and reconciliation and will also offer the concert in memoriam of Freddie Gray.

Schedule Changes:

  • Important update from Johns Hopkins University: "Classes at all our schools in Baltimore city will NOT be held today or tonight. Please share."
  • Given the city-wide curfew from 10 p.m.-5 a.m., MICA will close at 9 p.m. for the rest of the week, and all non-residence hall buildings will be closed by 9:30 p.m. Shuttle service will be suspended at 10 p.m. Students are encouraged to investigate ways to work on projects at home as opposed to staying in studios late at night.
  • The Mesmeric Revelations of Edgar Allan Poe believes the safest course of action is to cancel the event for Tonight, Tuesday April 28th. They will be sending an email to tonight's ticket holders with further instructions and will soon decide their precise course of action for the rest of the week. They appreciate your patience in this matter.
  • The American Visionary Arts Museum's 17th Annual Kinetic Sculpture Race forMay 2 (this Saturday) has been postponed. Please visit their website for updates regarding a rescheduled date.
  • Members of GBCA and the cultural community: we encourage you to update your events if there are any schedule changes on Culture Fly.

Information on curfew from the Mayor's Office:

Dear Business and Community Leaders,

Many businesses have asked about the curfew policy being implemented tonight and its impact on business hours and employees. Below are key points:

1. The night-time curfew applies for all citizens (with exceptions of emergency personnel and those commuting to and from work for essential functions, including students traveling to/from classes).

2. Non-essential business operations should be suspended from 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. This includes restaurants, entertainment venues and bars, which should be closed during these times. Please ensure visitors and patrons have enough time to travel before the curfew begins.

3. For essential business operations, employees traveling to and from work during the curfew should have a valid picture ID (presumably a driver’s license) and a document from their employer stating their need to work during curfew hours with dates and employee hours.

4. Drivers or individuals may be stopped by law enforcement and should be prepared with the information above to avoid arrest.

The curfew will begin today, Tuesday, April 28th at 10:00 p.m. and be in place for approximately one week (or until needed).

For regular updates from the Cultural Community and beyond, please follow us on Social Media:

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