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Member Benefits

By joining our alliance of hundreds of individuals, artists, and organizations, you will be part of a collective voice that supports the health and sustainability of the cultural sector in our region.

Click Here to Join GBCA


  • Fill seats by featuring half-priced tickets to your performances and events on the weekly CULTURE FLYER email, distributed to over 16,000 subscribers.

  • Give your employees access to FREE AND HALF-PRICE TICKETS to other member events and performances across the region.

  • Post job vacancies on GBCA’s JOBPLUS, the only exclusive arts and culture website in the region.

  • List events on GBCA’s comprehensive online reigon- wide calendar, CULTURE FLY.

  • Meet artists and friends at GBCA events.

  • JOIN THE ADVOCACY, EQUITY AND INCLUSION discussion to ensure people from all backgrounds have the opportunities and skills to succeed in the arts.


The Greater Baltimore Cultural Alliance (GBCA) is delighted to work with strategic partners to provide our member community with access to support, resources, and networks that strengthen the Baltimore region's cultural community.

Click here to learn more about our partnership with the Baltimore City Chamber of Commerce and special benefits for GBCA members.

Click here to learn more about our partnership with Open Works and special benefits for GBCA members.

NEW MEMBERS: Click Here to Join GBCA

RENEWING MEMBERS: Click Here to Renew Membership

Become a Member

As a member of GBCA, you will not only gain access to wonderful benefits, but you will also become an active participant in a broader cultural community. Your organization and employees will directly benefit from opportunities to collaborate, connect, learn, network and share with your colleagues in the cultural community. Join our growing constituency of over 300 individual artists and organizations representing the region's extraordinary range of arts, culture, history, heritage, humanities, and attractions.

Join Today