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Maryland Center for History and Culture seeks Oral History Intern

The H. Furlong Baldwin Library at the Maryland Center for History and Culture (MCHC) is offering a 15-week, paid oral history internship. The internship can be completed either remotely or in a hybrid format. The intern will gain a thorough understanding of the oral history life cycle, along with experience using the archival management system ArchivesSpace and digital asset management system (DAMS) ResourceSpace. The MCHC is a recent beneficiary of the Recordings at Risk grant, through which over 300 oral history tapes are being digitized and preserved.

Baltimore Chamber Orchestra High School Internship Program

The BCO is currently accepting applications for Production Interns for Fall of 2014. The interns will work closely with BCO Operations Manager and Executive Director to produce concerts and related musical/educational programs. Ideal candidates will have a desire to learn about new orchestra music, concert production, and an interest in the performing arts.

Baltimore Chamber Orchestra seeks Fall Production Interns

The Baltimore Chamber Orchestra, led by Artistic Director Markand Thakar, is the premier chamber orchestra in the Mid-Atlantic region. The Baltimore Chamber Orchestra High-School Internship Program is designed to engage high school students who have an interest in pursuing non-profit or orchestral studies at a college or professional level. The internships are open to juniors or seniors who live or attend school in Baltimore City (where the BCO is headquartered) or Baltimore County (where the BCO performs).

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