Creative Kids is currently hiring part-time teaching artists/teachers for the Fall semester of the 2015-16 academic school year. Creative Kids is a literature-based, after school drama program that runs classes in various schools throughout DC, Baltimore, suburban MD, and Northern Virginia. Students range from 3-15 years old.
Prospective candidates must have:
* Experience working with children and/or teaching,
* Experience in theatre or drama,
*A car.
Interviews are taking place now through late August. There will be two trainings held August 24th in the evening and September 11th all day at location TBD. NOTE: Attendance at both of these paid trainings is MANDATORY.
If you are interested, please email your resume and cover letter to Heather Kork, Programs Manager, at In your cover letter, please provide related work experience, general afternoon (2:00—5:00) availability for September-December, confirm that you own a car in good working condition, and confirm your availability for both trainings. No phone calls, please.
**Teachers with early childhood experience as well as bilingual teachers needed, please note on your cover letter.
Feel free to check out our website: