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HoCo Open 2016

HoCo Open 2016

HoCo Open is a salon-style, non-juried exhibit showcasing the talent of local artists. Artists (aged 18 years and older) who live, work, or study in Howard County are invited to bring one piece of original artwork completed in the past two years to the drop-off on January 7 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. Artwork will be accepted for the exhibit on a first-come basis, one piece per artist, until the gallery is full. This is a great opportunity for both emerging and established local artists to participate in a gallery exhibit without the stress of being juried in!

Event Contact

Katie Wofford

Event Details

Repeats weekly Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and Friday -- until Friday February 26, 2016 -- except Monday January 18, 2016.
Repeats weekly Saturday -- until Friday February 26, 2016.
Repeats weekly Sunday -- until Friday February 26, 2016.


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