Convergent at Gallery 1448 (Opening Reception)

Join us at Gallery 1448 for the opening reception of Convergent, featuring sculptural works by mother & daughter duo Michelle and Emily Lamb.
Michelle Lamb, an award-winning multidisciplinary artist, utilizes found objects or deconstructs obsolete machinery for her sculptures. Her upcycling involves heavy machining and manipulation which she assembles into curious and oftentimes eerie narratives.
Emily Lamb merges handblown glass with ceramic into a seamless whole that defies the natures of each normally incompatible material. With glass representing psychological phenomenon and clay the physical matter, her work is ethereal, refined and ultimately beautiful.
The show runs from April 6 – 28, 2024. Gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and by appointment. For more information, contact Michelle Lamb at 720-329-0127 / [email protected].