BCHS Baltimore History Evenings | “Doing Queer History in Public” — Baltimore’s LGBTQ+ history

“Doing Queer History in Public” — Baltimore’s LGBTQ+ history | Presented by Kate Drabinski, Ph.D.
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How do we "do" queer history, and for whom? What archives do we have to draw from as we do this work, and how can we build out that archive more broadly to complicate the histories we tell each other? Drawing on her experiences as a tour guide with Baltimore Heritage and her work with students on a queer oral history project, Dr. Kate will talk about the challenges and possibilities of doing historical work in and with queer communities, and how--and why--we take that work public.
Dr. Kate Drabinski is Principal Lecturer of Gender and Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland Baltimore County. She is also the Director of the Women Involved in Learning and Leadership (WILL+) program, a co-curricular program and Living-Learning community sponsored by GWST. Her research interests include transgender studies, critical pedagogy, public history, and theories of activism. She is on the Editorial Board of the journal Radical Teacher and the Baltimore Heritage LGBT History Committee.