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2016 Baltimore Autism Speaks Walk

2016 Baltimore Autism Speaks Walk

Autism Speaks Walk, the world’s largest fundraising event to support the diverse needs of the autism community, will hold its 2016 BALTIMORE Autism Speaks Walk on NOVEMBER 12, 2016 at THE CAMDEN YARDS SPORTS COMPLEX. Funds raised will support Autism Speaks’ mission to improve the lives of people with autism and their families in BALTIMORE/NATIONAL CAPITAL AREA and beyond.

Autism Speaks Walk is a grassroots movement powered by parents of children on the autism spectrum, generating funds that fuel innovative research and make connections to critical lifelong supports and services. Autism Speaks Walks are open to everyone committed to raising money for the important work Autism Speaks does throughout the community. All participants who raise $150 or more qualify for a commemorative 2016 t-shirt.

The BALTIMORE event will include a 5K walk and a community resource fair, providing families with “one-stop shopping” for educational options, therapists, recreational programs, child-friendly activities, and other vital services. Traditionally, walk teams have dressed in costume given the walk dates proximity to Halloween so costumes are WELCOME!

To register, please visit

Event Contact

Susan Pereles

Event Details

Saturday, November 12, 2016, 8:30 AM – 12:00 PM


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