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April 30 - May 4
“Episodes” performed by the Spring 2025 Towson University Dance Company, will take the audience through a series of dance events that are distinctive and separate in style and story but result in a winding and compelling journey. Whether a strange dive into late night channel surfing, the beauty of contemporary ballet, or the slinky style of jazz, the program will scratch every itch. Featured choreographers include TU faculty members Vincent Thomas, Tracie Burton-Hooper, Caroline Rocher Barnes, Robert Kleinendorst, and guest artist Juan Rodriguez. The program also features the Ballet Repertory class and the Modern Repertory class.

Entry is between pieces only once the performance begins. We recommend arriving early.

Event Contact

COFAC Box Office

Event Details

Wednesday, April 30, 2025, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM


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