Improv Comedy Night at Charm City Meadworks

Highwire Improv returns to Charm City Meadworks for another night of amazing improv comedy and delicious drinks! The taproom opens at 7:30, and the show starts at 8!
About the acts:
Scrapple is a long-running member of the robust indie improv scene in Baltimore. They are high energy, physical, and hilarious. No guarantees other than laughs!
Girl Talk brings you the most important stories of the day, dishes out some commentary, and turns it all into awesome improv comedy!
Ready, Set, No! brings you the best possible version of a middle school assembly. You'll see two cool adults (TM) warn you against the dangers of... something!
About the venue:
At Charm City Meadworks, we focus on light, dry, and refreshing beverages for everyday enjoyment. We believe the secret to spreading the word of mead is to start with a product where the reaction to the first taste is, “wow, I want more.”
We believe that mead should be able to stand on its own as a unique and awesome product, alongside beer, wine, and cider.
About Highwire Improv:
Highwire Improv’s mission is to steward a community of artists committed to growth, collaboration, joy, and justice — in Baltimore and around the world — through improvisational theater. Learn more at