Crew Call

Do you work behind the scenes in TV or Film? CREW CALL is a community for creatives like you! Every department. Every skill level!
For this months meetup, we'll have a few breakouts along with our normal crew community time:
“Building a Voice Over Career” (Lead by Comedy Actress and Singer - SDotNoel) For those who have been trying to get into VO work or grow their VO career, this round table will be led by a working comedian / actress / singer / VO artist to guide you.
“Finding Your (Producing) Lane” (Led by Producer Alexandria Queen) - For current producers and those looking to change lanes into producing this round table will look at all the types of producing to help you narrow down where to put your focus and what it takes to do each one.
“Career Navigator” - For those looking to figure out next steps or growth opportunities, we're here to help you advance from where you are to where you want to go.
Crew Call is a learning community for creatives below the line. Our mission is to establish thriving creative ecosystems in local cities that are connected to the global entertainment industry, creating clear pipelines for talent to gain opportunities and grow!