My Odessa: Paintings by Yefim Ladyzhensky

My Odessa: Paintings by Yefim Ladyzhensky is a presentation of a city and land in the midst of revolution through the paintings of Ladyzhensky. Ladyzhensky’s paintings share memories that are both recognizably drawn from life in Soviet Odessa, and highly specific and personal. The specificity of Ladyzhensky’s subjects and colors illustrates his particular relationship to the city of his youth: a place of heartfelt fondness and longing. His Odessa was a dynamic city rich with humor, arts, and Jewish life.
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Event Details
Repeats weekly Sunday and Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday -- until Sunday February 19, 2023 -- except Sunday December 25, 2022, Monday December 26, 2022, Tuesday December 27, 2022, Wednesday December 28, 2022, Sunday January 1, 2023.
– $10