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Telluride Mountainfilm on Tour

Telluride Mountainfilm on Tour

Join us for an exciting collection of short documentary films handpicked from the Telluride Mountainfilm Festival for Baltimore audiences. We’ll be featuring the film “Throw” that tells the story of Charm City native Coffin Nachtmahr who found purpose, acceptance, and community in the lifeline of yo-yoing. Meet Coffin, Festival Director David Holbrooke, and “Throw” directors Dave Larson and Darren Durlach. Co-hosted by the Johns Hopkins University and Baltimore School for the Arts. Supported by the Saul Zaentz Foundation.

Trailer for the featured film "Throw"

Event Contact

Stephanie Jayakanthan

Event Details

Friday, October 28, 2016, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


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