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The Positivity Challenge

The Positivity Challenge

If you laughed today or danced to your favorite tunes, you’re one step closer to achieving optimal health. That’s because experiencing positive feelings on a consistent basis can decrease your risk of heart disease and enhance your overall well-being.

Join Michael Miller, MD, author of “Heal Your Heart: The Positive Emotions Prescription to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease,” on a 28-day challenge to boost your positive emotions and reap the health benefits. Dr. Michael Miller, a pioneer in the field of behavioral cardiology, along with Lisa Miller, DPM, will provide step-by-step guidance on stimulating good feelings, reducing your stress, and preparing mood-boosting foods.

During this interactive course:

  • Find out the age of your arteries in week one and again in week four, using the non-invasive Pulse Wave Velocity Machine.
  • Enjoy a three-course meal, and learn Dr. Lisa Miller's heart-healthy, mood-enhancing recipes.
  • Experience why laughing matters in a laughter yoga session.
  • Discover the positive power of music through music-based exercises.
  • Learn what the advances in behavioral cardiology, a field that assesses the psychological connection between your mind and cardiovascular system, mean for your health.
  • Receive an autographed copy of Dr. Michael Miller's acclaimed book, "Heal Your Heart."

Event Contact

Katie Orr

Event Details

Wednesday, October 19, 2016, 6:30 PM – Wednesday, November 9, 2016, 8:00 PM

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