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Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill

Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill

UMBC Humanities Forum
Michelle Stefano, Visiting Assistant Professor, American Studies, UMBC, and Co-Director, Maryland Traditions
Bill Shewbridge, Professor of the Practice, Media & Communication Studies, and Executive Producer, New Media Studio, UMBC
“Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill” – Film screening and conversation
Tuesday, November 15, 7 p.m.
132 Performing Arts and Humanities Building

In 2012, Baltimore’s Sparrows Point Steel Mill closed forever. The award winning film Mill Stories: Remembering Sparrows Point Steel Mill presents a collection of stories based on interviews at the time of the mill’s closing as a means of helping to safeguard and promote the living heritage of the mill and its surrounding areas. Michelle Stefano and Bill Shewbridge, creators of the film, will discuss the community research behind the project, the process of making the film, and their thoughts about its significance.

This event is free and open to the public.

Sponsored by the UMBC Dresher Center for the Humanities, the Department of American Studies, and the Department of Media and Communication Studies.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2016, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM


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