Indigo Magic Curated by Kibibi Ajanku

Indigo Magic Exhibition runs May 3, 2016 - July 31, 2016
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 5, 2016 from 6-9pm
The Blues in Music
featuring Gary Richardson, Sankofa Drummers & Spectrum of Poetic Fire
Tie Dye Workshop: Sunday, May 15, 2016 from 9am-12pm
It's Communit! Indigo Magic Community Quilt
featuring Cheryl Hynton & Sheila Thomas
Graduation Reception: Tuesday, May 17, 6-9pm,
Indigo... Africa to America
featuring Cloud Kickers Internationa; & Sankofa Dance Theater
Closing Reception: Thursday, July 28, 2016 from 6-9pm
Funky Fly New World ArtWear on Parade
featuring Baltimore Girls by SuperFly Safi
Indigo Magic is an exhibition that uses indigo as a lens to view, witness, and contemplate the ways that indigenous African traditions show up in contemporary African American art forms.
Indigo Magic is a group show. Envision a collection of works… a collection that is blue. Not because it is melancholy or sad in any way. On the contrary, a collection that is majestic like the fabric of the Tuareg people of Mali and Northern Senegal or the Yoruba of Nigeria… majestic in a way that shows up in urban America as fashion-forward cultural attire. Imagine the royalty in the hues, stains, and tints evident in the work itself or in the energy of the work of African American Contemporary Artists. Take a moment to contemplate performance that speaks of Africa through the music, movement, spirit, folklore, and fashions that express past, present, and future. Visualize community engagement through public talks that highlight the importance of the art, the gallery, and the way it is exhibited. Picture family involvement through hands-on tie-dye workshops as an active connector.
The artist roster includes...
Visual Artists in alphbetical order:
Larry Poncho Brown-Artist, Karen Y. Buster, Ursula Cain-Jordan, Carren Clarke-Mcadoo, Maurice Evans, Maria Therese Fernandez, Nancelia Frazier, Winston W. Harris, E. Lyle Henderson, LaToya Hobbs, Jimi King, Grace Kisa, Theresa Reuter, Ernest Shaw, Sherry Shine, Valerie Smith, Jeffery Weatherford, Jerome White
Performing Artist inorder of appearance:
Gary Richardson, Joyce J. Scott, Cloud Kickers International, Sankofa Dance Theater, Baltimore Girls by Superfly Safi, Wow Wow by Wunmi
For more information contact Kibibi Ajanku at [email protected]
Indigo Magic is a thesis exhibition for the Maryland Institute College of Art Curatorial Practice MFA Program.