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The Movement Lab

The Movement Lab

The Movement Lab
What elements are essential to creating a successful performance art work? Every month we host a performance art laboratory to find the answer to that question.This is a space for local and regional performance artists to present their work in an open-ended format. Artists are encouraged to share their works in progress, to a non-judgmental audience.

Come to the 14 Karat Cabaret on Saturday, April 25th to experience and participate in LabBodies MOVEMENT LAB. For this Lab Night, Performance artists are invited to present their performance art works that examine the term and the form of MOVEMENT.


Kwame Shaka Opare

Noelle Tolbert

Talbolt Johnson

If you are interested in presenting work during this Lab Night, please email [email protected]


1. an act of changing physical location or position or of having this changed. "a slight movement of the upper body"
synonyms:motion, move; More an arrival or departure of an aircraft. an act of defecation.

noun: bowel movement; plural noun: bowel movements
the activities and whereabouts of someone, especially during a particular period of time.

"your movements and telephone conversations are recorded" the general activity or bustle of people or things in a particular place.

"the scene was almost devoid of movement" the progressive development of a poem or story.

"the novel shows minimal concern for narrative movement"

a change or development in something.

"movements in the underlying financial markets"
synonyms: development, change, fluctuation, variation

2. a group of people working together to advance their shared political, social, or artistic ideas.
"the labor movement"

synonyms: political group, party, faction, wing, lobby, camp
"the labor movement"

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Event Details

Saturday, April 25, 2015, 8:30 PM – Sunday, April 26, 2015, 12:00 AM


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